




Illustrator | Excel

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A Personal Project for a Course

This is a large-scale infographic exploring 2023 popular sportswear brand revenue and social media reach revealing insights into industry dynamics. High revenue often corresponds with strong social media engagement, indicating brand popularity. These trends highlight the global appeal and evolving consumer preferences within the sportswear market.


The aim of analyzing the provided dataset is to understand the market positioning and social presence of 23 popular sports brands according to HIGHSNOBEITY, a global fashion and media brand. I’ve based my dataset on factors such as their founding year, country of origin, revenue, brand type, social media reach (particularly on Instagram), and price level. By examining these metrics, one can discern the strategies and effectiveness of each brand in engaging with their target audience, as well as their competitiveness within the sports apparel industry.
Final Infographic Artwork

this is how I made it *


The analysis delves into how brands leverage their heritage, product quality, and marketing efforts to establish themselves in different segments of the market, whether it's high-end, mid-range, or budget-friendly. This examination helps to elucidate why certain brands have achieved significant revenue and social reach compared to others, providing insights into their success strategies and areas for potential improvement.
Data Collection

First Iteration

My initial approach utilized a circular method. I anchored the placement on the year of establishment and then established connections between nodes based on brand type and price level.
Initial iteration in a circular network
Exploring hierarchy with network layout

What went wrong?

Upon visualizing most of my connections, I began to realize that they were redundant and didn't support my narrative of offering insights into brand influence and market dynamics, showcasing the significance of sportswear in contemporary fashion and lifestyle choices. There were no visible trends apparent, and revenue insights were overshadowed by the abundance of other information presented in the visualization. The legend for social followers wasn't clear and was perceived as repetitive.

Tried different network techniques

These are some other methods I attempted to use in creating this infographic. Ultimately, neither of these methods helped me effectively emphasize my narrative.
Map technique: The points were cluttered
Matrix technique: The logos were overlapping and interfered with hierarchy

Final iteration skeleton

After several iterations, I settled on working with a linear timeline and focused solely on connections emphasizing social followers and price level. I arranged the logos based on the year of establishment and utilized both sides of the linear figure to showcase each topic.
The skeleton of the network technique I decided to settle with.

Asset collection

At this point, I began to see trends indicating that older, established brands founded in the late 20th century or earlier tend to exhibit higher social media reach on platforms like Instagram. This observation is particularly relevant to my story, as it suggests a correlation between brand longevity and digital presence. These established brands, with decades or even over a century of history, have had ample time to build their reputation and engage with consumers through various channels, including social media. As a result, they often enjoy larger followings and higher levels of engagement on platforms like Instagram compared to newer entrants in the market. This trend underscores the enduring appeal and brand loyalty that older sportswear brands have cultivated over time, despite the ever-evolving landscape of the fashion and lifestyle industry.
Asset collection I later added to complete the final infographic.

Key Points *


The data visualization reveals several key trends in the sportswear industry:
Revenue and Social Reach Correlation
There exists a positive correlation between a brand's revenue and its social media following, particularly on platforms like Instagram. This suggests that higher financial success often translates into greater brand influence and engagement with consumers.

Geographical Influence on Brand Presence
Certain countries, notably the US, Italy, and Germany, exert significant influence on the sportswear market. The prevalence of brands from these regions indicates the role of regional dynamics and market forces in shaping the industry landscape.
Price Level and Social Reach
Brands offering both high-end and budget-friendly options can achieve substantial social reach. This implies that brand influence is not solely determined by price but also by factors such as marketing strategies and product appeal, allowing brands across different price ranges to engage with consumers effectively.

Brand Age, Social Reach, and Price Levels
Older, well-established brands founded in the late 20th century or earlier tend to have larger social media followings, particularly on platforms like Instagram. These brands often command higher price levels, suggesting a correlation between brand longevity, perceived value, and pricing strategy.
Final Infographic poster on a street wall

more work*