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collaborated with:

Cookin Team

This is the Sprout, where we address the issue that food distribution is closely entwined with neoliberal farming practices driven by a pursuit of capital gain. These practices often involve destructive mass-production methods and can contribute to the exploitation of workers. In our research, we identified numerous strategies to counteract these detrimental farming approaches. Our project's goal is to develop a scalable product that can be initially implemented at a local level, eventually evolving into a globalized solution. The aim is to transform the way farming and locally grown food are supplied to communities. With this objective in mind, we conceptualized and designed both a mobile app and a website.


We found that food distribution is tightly linked with neoliberal farming practices that seek capital gain, utilizing destructive mass-production methods, and facilitate the exploitation of workers.
Sprout App Frames


Our solution is a scalable product that could be implemented at a local scale and eventually become a globalized product to alter the way that farming, and locally grown food is provided to local communities.
Sprout Web and App home pages
Summary of our findings

Our design

Our design uses a hydroponic system for its many benefits, especially for indoor farming such as minimal space, 90% less water usage, accelerated growth, and reduction in risk factors such as pests. This allows plants to focus on directly providing plants with their required nutrients — resulting in an increased yield per unit area.

this is how we made it *


Our plan primarily caters to middle-income households, restaurants, and small-scale food producers who are willing to adapt to green products over traditional foods. Ultimately we want to support the local community, and manage positive relationships while supporting the idea of making local communities sustainable.
SDG Objectives


As a team, we explored existing examples and gathered testimonials to support our goals and identify areas where we can enhance our app.
Testimonials from public and company sites part 1
Testimonials from public and company sites part 2

User research

Poor land management is one of the reasons for degrading 30% of the world’s soil for nutrients, and water scarcity currently affects 28% of agricultural systems. Many agricultural firms are taking sustainable food systems into account in order to solve these problems, but they have not accepted sustainable practices as a major element of their business strategies.
user research
Statiscal findings

User flow diagrams

Building on our research and comprehension of existing systems, we aimed to address this issue at a community-based level. Initially, our focus was on optimized community gardens. However, after thoughtful consideration and discussions with our mentor at Hi-Garden, we decided to scale down even further to households, with the potential to expand outward on a community scale.
Preliminary user flow for website
Preliminary user flow for app

data organizing

We streamlined our data and summarize the general findings from our research, and then began breaking it down into personas.

final showcase *


This is a demonstration of our app prototype.

System design

The design is equipped with a mini hydroponic vertical farm and soil planter box all in one unit. It uses a Nutrient Film Technique (NFT) hydroponic system, that is hidden at the bottom of the box itself. And constantly recycles the oxygenated nutrient-filled water through the vertical racks, only requiring water to be replaced about once a week. 
Planter front view
Planter interior system
Planter side view system


This is a demonstration of our website prototype.

Takeaways *

Sprout aims to foster inclusivity and availability of diasporic plants and crops as farming in urban spaces allows everyone better access and availability of appropriate food for diasporic cultures.As well as, eventually implement an educational space and warehouse to support agricultural university programs and laboratories to facilitate opportunities for volunteering and or field trip opportunities, allowing future generations to reconnect to green spaces and interact with farming processes.
Sprout webpage marketplace

more work*